Object Oriented Programming Module

This module supports creating and developing object-oriented programs using the Python programming language. The Unified Modelling Language (UML) supports the object-oriented analysis and design process. This module also examines the four key aspects of object-oriented programming: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

The module aims to provide students with the following skills:

● Investigate the development of object-oriented programming using the Python language.

● Practise creating object-oriented programmes with the Unified Modelling Language (UML).

● Recognise the most effective use of data structures to support data retention for the data in question.

● Investigate the most effective methods for searching data.

● Recognise the importance of design patterns in the development of software.

On the end of this module students will be able to:

1. Create an object-oriented programme in Python.

2. Prepare UML models to aid in the object-oriented design process.

3. Data structures can be used to help with data storage in a variety of ways.

4. Implement data search algorithms to process stored data in the most efficient manner.

5. Design patterns can be used to organise code that contributes to a single system.

Unit 1
An Introduction to Python Programming and the OO Programming Paradigm

Reading List

Learning Outcomes

Activities & Reflection

Collaborative Discussion 1

Unit 2
Object Oriented Analysis - Initial Steps towards Programming in Python

Reading List

Learning Outcomes

Activities & Reflection

Seminar 2: Software Design

Unit 3

Unified Modelling Language (UML)

Reading List

Learning Outcomes


e-Portfolio activities

Unit 4
Applying a UML Model to a Program Implementation: UML in Practice

Reading List

Learning Outcomes


Seminar 4: UML Design

Unit 4 Seminar Preparation

Unit 7
Debugging / Error Handling, Data Structures and Data Search

Reading List

Learning Outcomes

ePorfolio Activities

Reflection & Summative Assessment: Tutor's Feedback

Unit 11
Pointers, References ã Memory, and Design Patterns

Reading List

Learning Outcomes


Summative Assessment: Tutor's Feedback